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Odor Control – It’s All About Nature… Part 1
Microbes, bacteria and fungi, that create the stains and odor, are not created from thin air, but are picked up from the surfaces, or in the air, and settle on the bread or in the milk. We use sub-microscopic chlorine dioxide molecules that are thousands of times smaller than a mold spore to neutralize odor...

Eliminating Odors at the Microscopic Level

Long before bread gets moldy or milk goes sour, tiny organisms have been hard at work to break down cells and molecules into digestible packets, consuming these packets and using the energy to reproduce and build colonies. Our products address the situation at the microscopic level.

The organisms are doing the work, modifying the environment around them (in this case, the loaf of bread or quart of milk), to create surroundings to their liking - much like fluffing your pillow before you lay down to sleep. We only see (on bread) or smell (in milk) the results of what has been transpiring over a long period of time, at least in the life-cycle of a microbe!

You see, the microbes, bacteria and fungi, that create the stains and odor, are not created from thin air, but are picked up from the surfaces, or in the air, and settle on the bread or in the milk. We use sub-microscopic chlorine dioxide molecules that are thousands of times smaller than a mold spore to neutralize odor and stain-causing bacteria floating in the air or settling on surfaces, making both safer for your milk and bread...and you!

The Pervasive Problem of Odors

The issue of odors is a pervasive problem that affects our daily lives in numerous ways. Whether it be the stench of garbage, the foul smell from a nearby factory, or the overpowering fragrance of chemicals, these odors can have a significant impact on our overall well-being. Firstly, odors have a direct influence on our physical health as they can trigger allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems. Constant exposure to unpleasant smells can lead to chronic headaches, nausea, and even sleep disturbances. Additionally, these odors can have a negative impact on our mental health, causing stress, anxiety, and a decrease in overall mood. They can disrupt our ability to focus and concentrate, affecting productivity at school or work. Moreover, the social aspect of daily life is also influenced by odors. Unpleasant smells can become embarrassing, causing individuals to feel self-conscious and avoid social interactions. It can also affect our relationships as it becomes difficult to invite friends or family over if the household has a persistent odor. In conclusion, the pervasive problem of odors significantly impacts our daily lives, from our physical and mental well-being to our social interactions, highlighting the need to address this issue effectively.

color-code garbage collection area

To Target Odor Properly You Must Look Microscopically

Targeting odor elimination at the microscopic level holds great significance in various aspects of our lives. Odors can be a nuisance, causing discomfort and unease, whether it is in our homes, workplaces, or public spaces. Therefore, finding effective solutions to eliminate odors is crucial for maintaining a pleasant and hygienic environment.  Odors, at their core, are composed of microscopic particles that waft through the air and reach our noses. By targeting odor elimination at the microscopic level, we can go directly to the source and tackle the problem head-on. Traditional methods of masking or overpowering odors are only temporary and often ineffective in the long run. On the other hand, microscopic-level odor elimination allows us to address the root cause of the problem, ensuring a more efficient and sustainable solution.

Microscopic-level odor elimination is particularly significant in places such as hospitals, restaurants, and public restrooms, where the presence of unpleasant odors can be detrimental. It is not only about improving the general ambiance but also about creating a healthier and more comfortable environment for all. By eliminating odor-causing microorganisms and particles, we can prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses, thereby reducing the risk of infections and illnesses. Moreover, microscopic-level odor elimination is essential for individuals who suffer from hypersensitivity to certain smells or have respiratory conditions. People with allergies, asthma, or chemical sensitivities often find themselves severely affected by even the slightest scent. By specifically targeting the microscopic components of odors, we can minimize the risk of triggering adverse reactions and improve the overall well-being of these individuals. 

Additionally, microscopic-level odor elimination helps to enhance the overall quality of indoor air. Indoor air pollution can be a significant concern, especially in heavily populated areas or buildings with poor ventilation systems. Harmful particles and pollutants can linger in the air, leading to a decrease in air quality and potential health hazards. By systematically removing odor-causing microorganisms and particles, we can promote clean and fresh indoor air, contributing to the well-being of inhabitants.

Why You Should First Consider ClO2 and Enzymes for Odor Removal

Enzymes and ClO2 are considered superior chemistries for eliminating odors due to their unique properties and effectiveness. Enzymes are biological catalysts that enhance the speed of chemical reactions. They are highly efficient in breaking down organic materials that cause odors, such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, into smaller, odorless molecules. Enzymes act specifically on their respective substrates, ensuring targeted odor elimination without damaging the surrounding environment. On the other hand, ClO2, or chlorine dioxide, is a powerful oxidizing agent known for its broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties. It has a distinct advantage in odor elimination as it effectively neutralizes odorous compounds by breaking down their chemical bonds through oxidation. ClO2 is particularly effective against strong and persistent odors, such as those caused by bacteria, mold, mildew, smoke, and organic waste.

Enzymes and ClO2 offer several additional benefits over traditional odor elimination methods. Firstly, they are safe and environmentally friendly, as they are biodegradable and do not leave harmful residues or byproducts. This makes them suitable for use in various settings, including residential, commercial, and industrial spaces. Secondly, these chemistries provide long-lasting odor control by addressing the root cause of the odor rather than masking it, ensuring that the unwanted smells do not re-emerge over time. Finally, enzymes and ClO2 can penetrate deep into porous materials, such as carpets, fabrics, and upholstery, effectively eliminating odors at their source, even in hard-to-reach areas.

In conclusion, enzymes and ClO2 exhibit superior properties and effectiveness in eliminating odors. Enzymes excel in breaking down odor-causing molecules, while ClO2 acts as a potent oxidizing agent to neutralize a wide range of odorous compounds. Their safety, long-lasting effectiveness, and ability to penetrate porous materials make them highly desirable chemistries for effective odor elimination in various applications.


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